marie currie

Marie Curie

Shashukov6_ris2Текст из учебника Spotlight 8 класс 3D Vocabulary and speaking

  1. Who’s the woman in the picture? What do you know about her? Think of three questions you would like to ask about her. Read and see if you can answer them. Explain the words in bold. — Кто эта  женщина на картинке? Что вы о ней знаете, Придумайте 3 вопроса, которые хотели задать о ней. Прочитайте и посмотрите, можете ли вы на них ответить. Объясните выделенные слова

Marie Curie was born Maria Sklodowski in Warsaw, Poland in 1867. She was the youngest of five children.He parents worked as teachers and they brought her up to love learning. Her mother died in 1877. Manya, as they called her, and her sisters had to get jobs. Читать далее


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